Saturday, May 21, 2011

God's answer to prayer

Tonight was a complete answer to prayer. As Kevin and I prepared and left to travel overseas, I came to the obvious realization that the Kurds will not be speaking my language. This was a troubling thought would creep into my mind saying, "You don't really think you will be able to share the gospel do you?" This troubled my heart because indeed, I could not speak their language. So I began to pour out in pray to the Lord. I knew that the God had brought me here for a reason and that He had mighty works in store. I did not doubt that God can make all things possible, whether it be that for a day I some how spoke Sorani (the language they speak), or I find a translator, or that the person would speak English. Day after day I would pray to God that He do a mighty work. I knew if He led me to it, He would lead me through it.

Today was the day that God began to answer this prayer. We were in a small marketplace buying dinner as we passed by two men. They greeted us and we responded with the basic greetings. But then something odd happened. These two men began to speak English to us. Kevin and I began to talk with them and soon after, we were invited to their dorms that night.

Kevin and I ate dinner in such great haste today. Afterwards we went to the fourth floor called the prayer room and prayed until it was time to walk over to their dorms. When we arrived one of the men, Saman, met us and took us up to their dorms. Here is a bit of culture that is quite different from the states. It is normal for men to link arms and hold hands. (fingers in between fingers) So I had to wonderful opportunity to experience this as he led Kevin and I up the stairs to their dorm. Awaiting our arrival were 6-10 guys all between the age of 23-30. Half of the spoke English. We soon found out that the reason why they spoke English so well was because they were attending school to be translators. (Seriously??? God is amazing!!) We talked about America, girls, the differences between countries, politics, and finally came religion. 

As we were talking, Kevin and I mentioned the call of prayer and how foreign it was for us to hear it five times a day. Through this conversation we were able to announce that we were Christians. We began talking about what we believe, the differences of beliefs, and many more things. We were able to tell them the full gospel, explaining and answering many of their questions about Christianity. We were able to talk about the love of Christ and the importance of Him dying on the cross for our sins.

Just for a quick moment, let me just stop and say how great God is. God always has a plan. A plan for big things. With earnest prayer, you will see it God answer one way or another. As Christians we can rest on the fact that we are Children of God... We have so much power as Christians. Of course God will listen and respond when we pray. I praise His name for allowing me see first hand how He plants seeds in the hearts of men. 

Back to the story, as time ticked by, and all pictures were taken (literally I think they took around a hundred), it was time to say goodbye. But as we hugged each other, they made sure to say two things. first was that we would meet again very soon, to which Kevin and I assuredly agreed. The second thing  was that they all asked us "Do you accept us? Will you be our friends?" Though I did not show it on the outside, this broke my heart on the inside. These people went out of their way to speak to us, invited us to their home, gave us food and water, and allowed us to share the gospel... and they were asking us if we accept them? I assured them that we were all friends and thanked them over and over for reaching out to us. The people here are so loving. So open. Kevin and I hope to see them many more times before we leave.

 I ask you all keep praying for us and the people we come in contact with. As it being midnight here, pray that I will have strength to face tomorrow and all that is in store. We are planning to meet with another team tomorrow and work on the community center. Lord willing we will see more lives impacted during this trip. I am off to bed. Love you all and hope the very best!


1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing and truly touching story. I'm so happy that you have been able to experience these wonderful works of God. I will keep praying for you and Kevin and hope that you will accomplish all that God has called you to do.
